Like what I've said before "I'm glad cause I always can smile every morning when I open my eyes!"
Yap I am very proud of my self. Why ? Because now I can reach my self again. Without another people. Just me and my self. One thing that I really want now is June, 28th 2010. Because at that time I can get alive with the new one. Right ?
You know in Jakarta too much pressures, too much untouchable things, too much unuseful things, too much problems, too much old things and I really want to escape all of 'that' things. What we called 'Memory'. Oh God, thingking about that memory again makes me hopeless. Well, this is not me, I never hopeless, but for this time, I wanna be 'that' someone, the fragile one. Ya ya ya I know, this is not the first time I complain about living in Jakarta. Actually, the first reason is I am going to leave this city, that's why I make many complains to show my pleasure because of a chance to get a new life in Bogor.
Last night, so difficult for me to close my eyes, almost 5 times I opened my eyes and found the blank image of my dream, I tried to close my eyes again and nothing that I can get, that blank image, big white whole that combine all of old memories in my life. "Ah so last year!". First statement that I could say at that time and tried to close my eyes hardly. Oh God really please gives a miracle for me to get a better night with a better dream than all of my nights before. Then, I close my eyes again. You know what happen ? I've got the best dream (I think). It feels really real for me. I can touch and give a big hug for someone. OMG! that's only a dream. And now, something that I must do and prepare is take care of my self in every cases, because I can't read what will happen for me.
By the way, I do really like Sherina's song, Pergilah Kau. So simple, touchable and now really reachable.
Tak mau lagi aku percaya
Pada semua kasih sayangmu
Tak mau lagi aku tersentuh
Pada semua pengakuanmu
Kamu takkan mengerti rasa sakit ini
Kebohongan dari mulut manismu
Pergilah kau
Pergi dari hidupku
Bawalah semua rasa bersalahmu
Pergilah kau
Pergi dari hidupku
Bawalah rahasiamu yang tak ingin kutahui
Tak mau lagi aku terjerat
Pada semua janji-janjimu
Tak mau lagi aku terkait
Pada semua permainanmu
Back to #, Reff
Bertahun-tahun bersama
Kubanggakan kamu
Berikan s’galanya
Aku tak mau lagi
Ku tak mau lagi huoo… Yeee…Hee…
Back to Reff
Pergilah kau
Tak ingin kutahui
Pergilah kau
Ku tahui
Pada semua kasih sayangmu
Tak mau lagi aku tersentuh
Pada semua pengakuanmu
Kamu takkan mengerti rasa sakit ini
Kebohongan dari mulut manismu
Pergilah kau
Pergi dari hidupku
Bawalah semua rasa bersalahmu
Pergilah kau
Pergi dari hidupku
Bawalah rahasiamu yang tak ingin kutahui
Tak mau lagi aku terjerat
Pada semua janji-janjimu
Tak mau lagi aku terkait
Pada semua permainanmu
Back to #, Reff
Bertahun-tahun bersama
Kubanggakan kamu
Berikan s’galanya
Aku tak mau lagi
Ku tak mau lagi huoo… Yeee…Hee…
Back to Reff
Pergilah kau
Tak ingin kutahui
Pergilah kau
Ku tahui