Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sebuah ritual kembali.

Kembali dipertemukan. Hujan, pojok nyaman, Kedai Hijau, secangkir kopi, segelas jus strawberry smoothies manis tanpa susu, dan kamu di hadapan.
"Sampe sekarang masih gini-gini aja ya? Nggak ada yang berubah secara fisik sih." Kata ku datar sambil memainkan sedotan minuman dingin ku. "Kamu gimana?"
"Batin tapi selalu baik, kan? Udah jalan beberapa tahun masih gini-gini aja?" tanyanya lagi santai.
"Baik. Iya, masih gini-gini aja. Masih nyaman gini-gini aja." ada keheningan menghampiri. Ada bayangannya terlintas. Ada rasa yang tak terdeteksi apa, buram, berbayang. "Kamu gimana?" tanya ku ulang.
"Aku masih sibuk buat ngelakuin hal yang jauh lebih menyenangkan dibandingkan mencoba menemukan pengganti kamu." dia tersenyum simpul, kemudian menyeruput kopi panasnya pelan. Asap dari kopi yang bergerak perlahan mengikuti angin menutupi sebagian wajah tampannya. Ada rasa iba, rasa yang tak terdeteksi lagi.
"Bukannya juga lebih menyenangkan menemukan hal baru selain aku?" aku diam. Dia menatap ku dalam, tatapan kesal. Kembali sulit bernapas ketika harus melihat matanya.
"Kamu memang cerita yang tidak menyenangkan." aku diam mendengar perkataannya, kasar. "Tapi akan jauh lebih tidak menyenangkan kembali mendapatkan cerita yang sama, sama tidak pernah terselesaikan." aku mengalihkan pandangan ke arah jendela, mencoba merangkai kata dan menyeimbangkannya dengan rasa.
"Kamu cerita terpahit yang pernah ada." kembali ia menerjunkan perkataannya. Aku menatapnya nanar, sejahat itukah aku selalu dihadapannya? "Kamu cerita yang tidak ingin aku ciptakan." Ada hawa panas di sekujur tubuhku. "Kamu selalu seperti ranting patah untuk ku. Tak pernah bisa kembali seperti semula, tak pernah sempurna." mata ku panas, tertahan untuk bicara, air mata ku berbicara.
"Lalu untuk apa kamu membiarkan setiap ucapanmu meluncur begitu saja? Untuk kembali menyakitiku?" aku tak bisa menahan rasanya. "Untuk apa kita tetap melakukan ritual bodoh ini?" aku meneruskan. "Untuk apa tetap datang ke sini di bangku ini pada tanggal ini? Untuk apa membiarkan dirimu terjebak hanya dalam bayang-bayang aku, si bodoh perusak cerita kehidupan mu?" Aku menurunkan volume suara ku, terengah-engah, masih dalam tangis, mencoba mengendalikan emosi ku dan kembali menatap mu. "Ini sudah tahun ke tujuh, kita bertemu, tak ada angin, tak ada hujan, kau tetap datang kan ke sini? Di hari ini? Ritual bodoh ini? Untuk apa? Kau masih selalu mengingatnya kan?" aku menatap gelas minuman ku yang mengeluarkan buli-bulir air di permukaan dinding luarnya. Aku tersenyum dalam tatapan kosong. "Kau.." aku kembali memainkan sedotan minuman ku. "Kau.. ah sudahlah percuma menjadi yang merasa paling benar dihadapan mu. Kamu tidak pernah berubah, tidak akan. Aku pergi!" ku rapikan buku-buku yang ada di meja bundar selutut itu, memasukannya ke tas, mengambil kunci mobil, membayar minuman, bergerak perlahan meninggalkan tempat ritual bodoh kami. Ponsel ku berdering. Aku menatapnya.
"Iya.. Halo, aku udah mau pulang kok. Iya dari Kedai Hijau, aku?" Ku tatap kembali seseorang yang ada di hadapanku tadi, masih duduk tak berubah posisi. "Oh aku sendirian kok, mas."


Some part of Europe (3)

WOCO end. 1 more week left. Next destination. Enschede - Netherland. Clarissa.
So, the next adventure begin since we left Koln. Christy and Arif have differeny flight with 4 others, Aldith has his own dream travel, he is going around Europe, and the rest? Me, Fardil and Farah have another plan. We wanna meet my high school friend that live in Netherland. She is my classmates only for one year, we are not really close actually. But friend still being friend anywhere and anytime, right? So, I decided to visit Clarissa after the event in Enschede, Netherland. The city is really close with German. If in Indonesia it's like Jakarta-Bogor, close, huh? We decide to live in Clarissa house about 1 week before our flight to Indonesia. What a kind friend, she disposed to accept us. It feels home when we arrived in her house, she live with 2 others friend. All we do along that 1 week are go around Enschede, cook for our breakfasting menu, have fun in Movie park Germany, shop for more souvenir, culinary and so on. Ah so many things, feelings, and stories that we have been trough in one week. Thank you Clarissa for accepting us in your house. So, I'm still your Indonesian old friend who be the first guest for you in Enschede, right? Hahaha.

First dinner.
Kolak. Thanks Mom for the live recipe via skype :")
In front of Clarissa campus, Saxion.
Love sofa in the middle of street. It has the own story.
Macarooni schootel. Nyam nyam!
Jelly and the fla.
Thanks Movie park, awesome!
Up.. up.. up.. and aaaa!
After rolling 180 degree.
The show. Actually it's in Dutch and I can't get it.
Woohoo! Now, for 360 degree.
Like crazy, suddenly earthquake.
Tired. You know what, we missed the last train.
Another tired part. Waiting for next morning train in McD.
Last dinner.
Gonna miss this.
Bye Clarissa. See you next time! Next. Volendam. Airport. Home.
After one week in Enschede, trough unstable emotion cause some problem happened there, we gather again with Aldith in Schipol airport and decide to visit Volendam before the flight time. Don't worry nothing big happen hehe, it all clear now, leave in peace hahaha. Curious ya? Hahaha. We also visit the most wanted tourist place in Amsterdam, Red Light District (just passing trough actually).

Volendam and the sea.
Halo noneh Belanda!
Schipol, promise me I'll be back!
Let's fly!
All clear. 5 weeks. Thank you Europe!
After the trip, all delegations still keep contact. For example after a week back to mommy, Christy, Farah and I meet again for hang out in Jakarta.

Hang out, lad!
Thanks God for all of chances You gave to me, for all time You spent with me, for everything You shared me with and for every single thing You never forget to remind. Alhamdulillah. Btw, today my organization birthday, wait up!

Thank you for all things we share here.
Always proud to be part of you! :')

Can't be thankful more, @fadilamh

Friday, December 28, 2012

Some part of Europe (2)


Back to reality. The event. WOCO. For 2 weeks. Ghent - Brussels - Leuven, Belgium.

Ghent 6 Indonesia delegates.
Farah, me, Christy, Aldith, Faradila, Arif.
Cubberdon. Have to try, special from Ghent.
Horse teraphy house.
International night. Beauty with kebaya and batik <3 td="td">
Indonesia ambassador for Belgium.
Leuven. City walk.
Let's dancing hip hip!
Belgian waffle. Are you searching for this?
Chocolate, Godiva! Have to try!
Manneken pee. Thing must see in Brussels!
Don't forget Smurf come from Belgium, fellas!
Different way to sell. It's fruit inside, use coin machine.
Brecht and saxophone. Sexy!
We learn the traditional dancing.
This is me with Samuel from Mexico. Ah miss you boy!
Indonesia booth for trade fair.
Brussel and the garden.
Tomato and the company.
Fish for this company visit.
Seriosly, in Indonesia this suppose to be like Muara Angke.
But in here clean and super fast in detail are the trademark!
Indonesia need to learn more and more.
The water side Belgium. Left side, the submarine. Scary inside!
Glory you  navy!
Kiwi company visiting.
Our lunch. Super big portion.
See you again later Belgian! :')
Next. WOCO. 1 week. Germany, Urft - Bonn - Koln.
Awesome! I have super great time with super great friends 2 weeks in Gent and Leuven. I love you, Brussel! Promise me, I will come back to here super soon. As usual, I have problem with my stuffs that I bought here. The luggage doesn't enough. So that I have to bring one more bag. So I have 5 bags now -___- hahaha
Already 3 weeks I'm here in Europe. And I've trough 3 countries. German is the last country that I will visit before go back to Amsterdam and Indonesia also. I will spend my last week in Clarissa house and go around Netherland. I wish my last 2 week before flight will be great. I do not know, this two days, I'm not feeling well as usual. PMS, maybe. See you in German! I'm on my way now.

Urft. The place we stay for a week.

Kill the boredom by quiz hahaha.
Gelato. Summer. Perfect. Have to try!
Drinking water company visit.
Bonn Botanical Garden.
Look the cow. So big!
Picnic in goat farm. Try the cheese!
Kid, don't work!
Koln and love lock bridge.
People believe that if they put the padlock with their couples name.
It will be forever. And  if  you wanna break up,
first try to find the padlock in the middle of thousands others padlock.
Development fund night. Indonesia what you  give in auction?
The flag for auction.
Carnaval night. Lovely custom all out!
BBQ time for lunch.
Koln. Big church in central.
The head. Story of the church in Bonn.
Beethoven born city, Bonn.
The pianist house.
Another dairy farm.
Big machine for big result. Indonesia, let's learn more!
WOCO end. 1 more week left. Next destination. Enschede - Netherland. Clarissa.
To be continued..

Tired of formating the post hmft, @fadilamh