This early year, I've got another super chance. I'm going to Japan on this week, counting day, I'll leave at Feb 7, 2013 and stay for 7 days there. And how's the story begin? It begin while I'm on the way to home and got a call from my senior, he just asked me like this,'Fadil, lo mau ke Jepang nggak?' 'Eh?' and I don't know what to answer, I just say, super definitely ya! I off the phone, smile, and call him back hahaha. 'Eh gimana tadi kak? Ke Jepang gimana? Dalam rangka apa? Biayanya darimana?' 'Seleksi sih dari IAAS for free' 'Ok, thanks. I'll call you later, thanks infonya ka!'
Soooo, here I am. After doing several selection and not having new year eve time for 2013, this is the present in the beginning of 2013. Yap! I did my presentation and the stuffs for selection while people, friends and family having so much fun with party, BBQ and firework. And I? I did not. But actually it all paid when I got email that said ya I became one of delegates from IPB. Thanks Dad for helping me out in new year eve night to do this.
I'll go with ka Sobich, Eris and my lecturer, Ibu Tiwi and Pak Sam. New experience will wait! :) The event is Good Practice Program 2013 that will be held by Niigata University. And thing that make me have to extra work is this event actually for students mostly from agricultural technic and am I? Nope hehe. My major is Resources and Environmental Economics, the first and the only one major in Indonesia. But, I did it. I'm trying to make a paper that also relating the agricultural and economics and also environment. One of my mission there is also to help them to establish IAAS Japan. Yeee we will have a new family. :')
This week is a hectic week, because I have to do so many thing before I go. And you know what, this month is very very hectic. Because I have to go to Jogja right a day after arrived in Indonesia again for IAAS National Congress 2013 and have a training on the last week for #DYSE (Danone Young Social Entrepreneurship) with my team @CallidusCultio_ wish us luck fellas! Btw, mind if you give a like thumb in our video? Here is the link Callidus cultio DYSE 2013 :)
So, what will be waiting for next month? Alhamdulillah for all of this. Thank God for all of your creative story of my life. Amazing!
Here is my hectic story, how about yours? - @fadilamh